Today's Photo Minute

The most important question of good composition is What?

The Concept:

In Today’s Photo Minute, Brian Osborne discusses what he feels is the key question we should ask when composing our images both in the camera or cropping them later in the software. What is our main subject? What should we include in the image and what should we be willing to leave out of the photo? Deciding this for our images can greatly improve our compostion and thus the impact of our shots.

The Assignment:

Pick your camera up and before taking a specific photo, ask yourself, “What is my subject?” Then compose an image that includes just the subject you named. To carry this a step further, decide to actually not include the whole subject but just part of it. Repeat this with different subject matters always making sure you are clear about what your main focus is and that you try to remove as many other “distractions” from your composition as possible.