Today's Photo Minute

Using framing as a compositional tool in wildlife photography

The Concept:

Framing is a great compositional tool that we can use in some of our images to help draw the viewer’s eye into the subject more effectively. In Today’s Photo Minute, Brian Osborne not only discusses how framing can be used for better compositions but also shows onscreen examples of this in actual wildlife images. Check out the video to see how this is applied to images that will be displayed (all of backyard wildlife subjects).

The Assignment:

When photographing animals, we love to say, “get the shot and then get creative” Certainly when capturing images of wildlife, the chance can be fleeting. However, if the animal gives you another chance, see if there are any framing elements in your scene that you can use to better highlight your subject. This could be the bottom tray or roof of a bird feeder to frame up the bird, a simple tree behind or beneath a squirrel or any other number of things. You can also look back at some of the photos you have captured of wildlife on your computer (does not have to be those in your backyard) and see how different cropping might highlight a framing element in the image in relation to your subject. Give framing a try and see how your compositions will benefit!