The Concept:
In this Weekend Edition of Today’s Photo Minute, “Shoot and Share” we have two challenges to go out and shoot as well as share our favorite images with others. The purpose of this is to not only get the camera in our hands but help us to look creatively for things around us that can be made into awesome photographs.
The Assignment:
Challenge 1: Food – What a delicious challenge we have this weekend. It is not often you can create some neat images and then enjoy eating it too but this week you can. This challenge can include prepared dishes, fruits, vegetables, etc. and can be shot outside or inside (try by window light if you do not have a flash you can use or enough ambient artificial light). Have fun with this challenge
Challenge 2: Starburst – In one of our last Today’s Photo Minutes, I did a session on Creating a Starburst in Your Photos which you can go back and check out. This can be done with the sun but other point light sources can work as well. A flash pointed at the camera lens, a streetlight, even a bright enough refection off of a shining object (such as a water droplet), can have the same effect when you use the higher range of apertures on your lens. In fact, now would be a great time to try out various high apertures (F16, F22, F32, etc.) on your lens and see if there is a difference in the starburst effect and at what point you might lose some sharpness (due to diffraction).
When you get your images ready by late on Sunday, please share those with the rest of us who are participating as well. If you are on Facebook, please post them as a comment to this particular post. If you are not on Facebook, feel free to email your entries to [email protected] and I will be glad to post them.